The title of this blog is 100% the truth. I have been avoiding my blog. Not because I've been gleefully busy taking photos (though I wish I had been!). I've been flying solo on the weekends since John (my husband) lost his normal job and got a crappy substitute job. Without his helping hand, it's more challenging to do photo sessions. But to clarify, I am a big girl, I can handle things on my own, but John is truely my other half.
Knowing that I'll likely be without John, I haven't been promoting our services as aggressively as I did when he had weekends off. BUT, he does not work Sundays (usually)! If you're in need of a last minute Christmas photo session, hit us up! We would love to hear from you!
On a more positive note, we did manage to get one session in last month with the adorable Allie!

We hope your Holidays are wonderful! Hope to see/shoot you next year!