Friday, August 28, 2009

All signs point to blog

So. Well well well. What have I to blog about? All sorts of random things.

Last weekend i had one and a half shoots. I call the shoot I did for my friend's toddler a half shoot, because it was stricly for fun. No business. The other shoot was again for the magazine I did a photo for-- which so far I have not revealed because I'm a believer in "don't hatch your chickens before the eggs", though I'm not getting paid for the gig, but it is great experience/exposure/advertisement. The first magazine photo isn't out yet, so I'm hush hush about it until it hits the stands. That way you keep coming back to read my nonsense anyway. :)

So back to last weekend, shooting the toddler. Her name is Allie, you've seen her before. Adorable kid.

With a smile like this, who wouldn't giggle in agreement?

We went to Sun Prairie's Sweet Corn Festival. An inexpensive, entertaining event. I unfortunately just got braces & was not able to enjoy any sweet corn, and to tell you the truth, I don't even like corn, so it wasn't a huge dissapointment. What was a huge dissapointment was the fact that cheesecurds cost $SIX DOLLARS. Six dollars? I could get an angus beef burger at Hardees for six bucks. Out of their minds. I starved until I found a Culver's after the event.

My next blog will be about the magazine, it should be coming out next week. I'm probably making too big of a deal out of it.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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